The Beta-Truncated Lomax Distribution with Communications Data

Document Type : Research and Reference


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University


The beta-truncated Lomax distribution is investigated (BTLD). The goal of this paper is to investigate an extension to Lomax distribution (LD) which is my new distribution  BTLD.  Also, the LD is a special case of the BTLD. Our distribution can be used as an alternative to the LD. For the BTLD, we obtain the probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), moments, distribution of order statistics, and a single moment of order statistics. We derive PDF of BTLD minimum order statistics, the PDF of the biggest order statistics. The BTLD's random sum is discussed. An application of the model BTLD to communications real data set is presented to show the superiority of this new distribution by comparing the fitness with LD and exponential distribution. The survival function (SF), hazard function (HF), odd function (OF), reserved hazard function (RHF), moment generating function (MGF), and several moments are all deduced. We get some special cases.


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