Preconcentration of Bismuth in Water Samples Prior to Determination by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Document Type : Research and Reference


Nuclear Materials Authority, P.O. Box: 530 El-Maadi, Cairo, Egypt


The possibility to use sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (Na-DDTC) for bismuth (III) concentrating by the micellar extraction at cloud point (CP) temperature and subsequent atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) determination was investigated. Under the optimum conditions, preconcentration of 10 ml of water sample in the presence of 0.05% non-ionic surfactant (NS) Triton X-114, 5ˣ10-5 M sodium diethyldithiocarbamate at pH 6 permitted the detection 8 µg1-1 bismuth in water samples after cloud point extraction.
